What to Expect

 Divine Service 

Upon Entering  There will be someone to greet you and give you a printed bulletin as you enter the sanctuary. 

The majority of the order of service is printed for you in the bulletin.  Hymns are sung 
from Lutheran Service Book, which is the hymnal in the pew.

Children  There is a lot of room to walk and regroup in the Fellowship Room [down the ramp, then through the double doors to the left] for children who may need some  time to calm down from an upset. You can still hear the service from there. But we  hope that you and your child will return to the sanctuary when you can; we feel blessed to have you and we miss you when you are gone.

Offering  If you feel inclined to give an offering for the Lord’s work here when the ushers pass the offering plate, we are most grateful. However, this is not a  requirement.

Holy Communion  At Zion, we adhere to the practice of Close Communion.

If you are a confirmed member of a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, you may participate in the Lord’s Supper at the altar.  If you would like to take the Lord’s Supper, but are unsure if it is appropriate, please speak with pastor before the service. 

All are welcome to worship through the singing of the hymns during the distribution of the Sacrament.



Conduct of Holy Communion  Ushers will guide you as to when you stand and proceed to the altar down the middle aisle, both right and left sides at the same tiime. Each side fills the altar rail from the outside in to the middle. 

After the pastor's welcome to the Table, the communicants kneel.  The bread is distributed, the individual cups are offered, followed by common cup for those who wish it. After the blessing, communicants return down the appropriate side aisle. 

Children are welcome to come to the Table with their parents to receive a blessing.  

After the Service has ended  After the last hymn has been sung, the congregation stands and greets one another.  You don’t need to wait to be ushered out.  Please join us for coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall.
